(1) An Yan, UC San Diego,;
(2) Zhengyuan Yang, Microsoft Corporation, with equal contributions;
(3) Wanrong Zhu, UC Santa Barbara,;
(4) Kevin Lin, Microsoft Corporation,;
(5) Linjie Li, Microsoft Corporation,;
(6) Jianfeng Wang, Microsoft Corporation,;
(7) Jianwei Yang, Microsoft Corporation,;
(8) Yiwu Zhong, University of Wisconsin-Madison,;
(9) Julian McAuley, UC San Diego,;
(10) Jianfeng Gao, Microsoft Corporation,;
(11) Zicheng Liu, Microsoft Corporation,;
(12) Lijuan Wang, Microsoft Corporation,
Editor’s note: This is the part 11 of 13 of a paper evaluating the use of a generative AI to navigate smartphones. You can read the rest of the paper via the table of links below.
We look into GPT-4V prediction traces and attempt to categorize common types of errors that cause mismatching between GPT-4V predictions and human annotations.
We notice false negative cases where the mismatches are rooted in inaccurate Set-ofMark (Yang et al., 2023b) annotation parsing or imperfect dataset annotation. In these cases, the predictions made by GPT-4V are correct after manual justification, but are classified as wrong predictions in automatic evaluation because the target regions are over-segmented (e.g., Figure 5(a)(b)), or because the ground-truth annotation only covers one of the many valid actions (e.g., Figure 6(a) has two Google Play logo; Figure 6(b) has multiple ways of accessing Google Search; and users may lookup “Setting” by direct search as GPT-4V, or by scrolling down as the human annotation in Figure 6(c)).
Figure 7 shows a few true negative examples of GPT-4V failing the designated tasks. In our zeroshot testing setup, GPT-4V is not provided with demonstrative examples to learn user action patterns. In this case, while users may scroll down or up to explore the GUI, we notice GPT-4V is more likely to perform the action of “click” on each screen, leading it to occasionally make short sighted decisions. In Figure 7(a), GPT-4V attempts to look for “improve location accuracy” in “Network&Internet” among the listed visible tabs, while the user decides to scroll down and look for more aligned setting tabs. In Figure 7(b), GPT-4V clicks on “Accept All”, which is not a button. In Figure 7(c), GPT-4V also shows a more literal understanding of the instruction and the current observation as in (b), clicking the “News” tab in the Google Search platform instead of actually visiting the news website.
This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY 4.0 DEED license.